From its beginnings in the early 1990’s under the tutelage of the founders Bert and Michael Potter with Potter Travel, and Frank Howe with Tour Marvel, the company has grown to be a major provider of day and extended tours in the Canberra region and extended tours for clubs and groups from Sydney and the NSW South Coast. Just as when Bert and Frank started the businesses, we have always believed that the success of the tours we run and the Travel Club we look after is the result of the people who decide to travel with us, and then travel with us again.
In August 2023, Potter Travel joined the Deanes Coaches Group after Friends In Travel Pty Ltd had owned and operated Potter Travel for over twenty years. Richard McKisack is now responsible for the overall management of the business, with Karen Rickman and Alana Freeman still looking after the office and the reservations. Mackenzie Crandell has also joined the business as a Tour Consultant. We continue to employ very experienced Coach Captains to provide the highest level of service to our clients. Brad & Shelley Arcus continue as our Driver/Escort team on many of our longer tours, along with a few new faces to help look after our day and short extended tours.
Potter Travel provide a range of day tours, tours to musicals and extended tours for it’s members located in the Canberra Region. The company also provides a range of group tour packages for Probus Clubs and seniors groups, which are value for money tours to specific and interesting destinations located within reasonable proximity to Sydney, NSW South Coast and Canberra. Our Groups Department can provide a variety of tour suggestions. You pick the destination and we will provide the experience.
The company and its employees have many years of travel and coach touring experience, and operate modern luxury coach touring vehicles. It runs its own tailor made tour itineraries that have been specially planned with our clients in mind, and provide a unique and different group tour holiday.